On September 12, 2001, the day after the fall of the Twin Towers, WABC-AM in New York City recruited John Batchelor to go on the air until Osama bin Laden was either killed or captured. John has been on ever since, offering insightful commentary on such issues as the war on terrorism, the presidency, the national and global economies, and defending our civilization. On March 12, 2003, one week before the attack on Iraq, ABC Radio Networks invited John to bring his expertise to syndication. Since then John has reached out nationwide, focusing his concerns on a world at war.

The John Batchelor Show is an essential tool for understanding the new order in the 21st Century. The world is now facing a dangerous and fanatical enemy determined to destroy Western civilization on both political and military fronts. In this, the first great ideological battle of the new millennium, it is imperative to know the major players and the theaters in which they operate.

The John Batchelor Show features a multitude of distinctive elements. John's themes cover every detail - from military battles, presidential campaigns, planetary exploration, and Hollywood politicos to his own international travel. John has broadcast from many corners of the world and in his program he calls out to all points, including New York, Jerusalem, Des Moines, Kazakhstan, Orlando, Manchester, Morocco, Boston, Taipei, Washington, and Baghdad.

John is a veteran novelist, author of seven political romances as well as a short history of the Republican Party. Born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, in 1948, John attended Lower Merion High School and Princeton University. In 1976 he was graduated from Union Theological Seminary. John is married and has two children.

#Londinium90AD: Gaius & Germanicus observe the reported betrayal of Market Garden by Anthony Blunt and Josef Stalin. Michael Vlahos. Friends of History Debating Society. @Michalis_Vlahos

#Londinium90AD: Gaius & Germanicus speculate about NATO rearmament. Vlahos. Friends of History Debating Society. @Michalis_Vlahos

#Londinium90AD: Gaius & Germanicus speculate about NATO rearmament.  Vlahos. Friends of History Debating Society. @Michalis_Vlahos

1918 German front



1918 American ambulance sector

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION": 4/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by Jonathan D.T. Ward (Author)

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION":  4/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by  Jonathan D.T. Ward  (Author)


In The Decisive Decade, Dr. Jonathan D.T. Ward―China scholar and founder of the Atlas Organization, a consultancy focused on US-China global competition―offers a comprehensive framework for how the United States can, and must, defeat China on the world stage economically, diplomatically, militarily, and ideologically. International security and American supremacy are at stake―and now is the time for the US to take action.

China’s global power and influence grows every day. Working from a deep sense of national identity, the Chinese Communist Party is leading its country toward what it deems “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,” and executing a long-term Grand Strategy to topple over its chief adversary, the United States. As China becomes increasingly repressive domestically and aggressive overseas, it threatens to upend America’s global dominance at every turn.

Ward provides novel and practical strategies that our government, as well as our businesses and our citizens, can utilize to undermine our adversary. Exhaustive campaigns in the economic, diplomatic, military, and ideological arenas, he argues, must be taken to achieve victory.

With expert analysis of the history of US-China relations, as well as insight into how the Russia-Ukrainian war can inform our strategic thinking, The Decisive Decade presents a unique toolkit for our triumph over China. We can succeed, but it won’t be easy; it will take all of our nation’s ingenuity, confidence, and willpower to win.

1957 ZHOU

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION": 3/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by Jonathan D.T. Ward (Author)

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION":  3/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by  Jonathan D.T. Ward  (Author)


In The Decisive Decade, Dr. Jonathan D.T. Ward―China scholar and founder of the Atlas Organization, a consultancy focused on US-China global competition―offers a comprehensive framework for how the United States can, and must, defeat China on the world stage economically, diplomatically, militarily, and ideologically. International security and American supremacy are at stake―and now is the time for the US to take action.

China’s global power and influence grows every day. Working from a deep sense of national identity, the Chinese Communist Party is leading its country toward what it deems “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,” and executing a long-term Grand Strategy to topple over its chief adversary, the United States. As China becomes increasingly repressive domestically and aggressive overseas, it threatens to upend America’s global dominance at every turn.

Ward provides novel and practical strategies that our government, as well as our businesses and our citizens, can utilize to undermine our adversary. Exhaustive campaigns in the economic, diplomatic, military, and ideological arenas, he argues, must be taken to achieve victory.

With expert analysis of the history of US-China relations, as well as insight into how the Russia-Ukrainian war can inform our strategic thinking, The Decisive Decade presents a unique toolkit for our triumph over China. We can succeed, but it won’t be easy; it will take all of our nation’s ingenuity, confidence, and willpower to win.

1759 CHINA 

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION": 2/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by Jonathan D.T. Ward (Author)

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION":  2/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by  Jonathan D.T. Ward  (Author)


In The Decisive Decade, Dr. Jonathan D.T. Ward―China scholar and founder of the Atlas Organization, a consultancy focused on US-China global competition―offers a comprehensive framework for how the United States can, and must, defeat China on the world stage economically, diplomatically, militarily, and ideologically. International security and American supremacy are at stake―and now is the time for the US to take action.

China’s global power and influence grows every day. Working from a deep sense of national identity, the Chinese Communist Party is leading its country toward what it deems “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,” and executing a long-term Grand Strategy to topple over its chief adversary, the United States. As China becomes increasingly repressive domestically and aggressive overseas, it threatens to upend America’s global dominance at every turn.

Ward provides novel and practical strategies that our government, as well as our businesses and our citizens, can utilize to undermine our adversary. Exhaustive campaigns in the economic, diplomatic, military, and ideological arenas, he argues, must be taken to achieve victory.

With expert analysis of the history of US-China relations, as well as insight into how the Russia-Ukrainian war can inform our strategic thinking, The Decisive Decade presents a unique toolkit for our triumph over China. We can succeed, but it won’t be easy; it will take all of our nation’s ingenuity, confidence, and willpower to win.
1910 CHINA

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION": 1/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by Jonathan D.T. Ward (Author)

XI COMPLAINS ABOUT "VICIOUS COMOETITION":  1/4: The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China Hardcover – by  Jonathan D.T. Ward  (Author)


In The Decisive Decade, Dr. Jonathan D.T. Ward―China scholar and founder of the Atlas Organization, a consultancy focused on US-China global competition―offers a comprehensive framework for how the United States can, and must, defeat China on the world stage economically, diplomatically, militarily, and ideologically. International security and American supremacy are at stake―and now is the time for the US to take action.

China’s global power and influence grows every day. Working from a deep sense of national identity, the Chinese Communist Party is leading its country toward what it deems “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,” and executing a long-term Grand Strategy to topple over its chief adversary, the United States. As China becomes increasingly repressive domestically and aggressive overseas, it threatens to upend America’s global dominance at every turn.

Ward provides novel and practical strategies that our government, as well as our businesses and our citizens, can utilize to undermine our adversary. Exhaustive campaigns in the economic, diplomatic, military, and ideological arenas, he argues, must be taken to achieve victory.

With expert analysis of the history of US-China relations, as well as insight into how the Russia-Ukrainian war can inform our strategic thinking, The Decisive Decade presents a unique toolkit for our triumph over China. We can succeed, but it won’t be easy; it will take all of our nation’s ingenuity, confidence, and willpower to win.

1927 WUHAN

#MICHIGAN: POTUS creates cannibal stories in Scranton and Pittsburg & What is to be done? @ThadMcCotter @theamgreatness

#MICHIGAN: POTUS creates cannibal stories in Scranton and Pittsburgh & What is to be done? @ThadMcCotter @theamgreatness


1941 Pittsburgh

#MICHIGAN: The consumptive economy mandated by the globalized consumer economy. @ThadMcCotter @theamgreatness

#MICHIGAN: The consumptive economy mandated by the globalized consumer economy. @ThadMcCotter @theamgreatness

1849 Bridget O'Donnel, Famine Irish

DID ANTHONY BLUNT BETRAY OPERATION MARKET GARDEN TO HITLER AT STALIN'S ORDER? 8/8: Stalin's War: A New History of World War II, Sean McMeekin, with Kevin Stillwell as narrator. Published by Basic Books. Audible Audiobook – Unabridged

DID ANTHONY BLUNT BETRAY OPERATION MARKET GARDEN TO HITLER AT STALIN'S ORDER? 8/8: Stalin's War: A New History of World War II, Sean McMeekin, with Kevin Stillwell as narrator. Published by Basic Books.  Audible Audiobook – Unabridged




World War II:  Hitler was not in power when the conflict erupted in Asia—and he was certainly dead before it ended. His armies did not fight in multiple theaters, his empire did not span the Eurasian continent, and he did not inherit any of the spoils of war. That central role belonged to Joseph Stalin. The Second World War was not Hitler’s war; it was Stalin’s war:

Drawing on ambitious new research in Soviet, European, and US archives, Stalin’s War revolutionizes our understanding of this global conflict by moving its epicenter to the east. Hitler’s genocidal ambition may have helped unleash Armageddon, but as McMeekin shows, the war which emerged in Europe in September 1939 was the one Stalin wanted, not Hitler. So, too, did the Pacific war of 1941–1945 fulfill Stalin’s goal of unleashing a devastating war of attrition between Japan and the “Anglo-Saxon” capitalist powers he viewed as his ultimate adversary.
McMeekin also reveals the extent to which Soviet Communism was rescued by the US and Britain’s self-defeating strategic moves, beginning with Lend-Lease aid, as American and British supply boards agreed almost blindly to every Soviet demand. Stalin’s war machine, McMeekin shows, was substantially reliant on American materiél from warplanes, tanks, trucks, jeeps, motorcycles, fuel, ammunition, and explosives, to industrial inputs and technology transfer, to the foodstuffs which fed the Red Army.
This unreciprocated American generosity gave Stalin’s armies the mobile striking power to conquer most of Eurasia, from Berlin to Beijing, for Communism.
A groundbreaking reassessment of the Second World War, Stalin’s War is essential reading for anyone looking to understand the current world ordeR.